Pit Boss PB440D2 Reivew – How Char-Griller E1224 beat this

Pit Boss PB440D2 Reivew - How Char-Griller E1224 beat this

It is a truth universally acknowledged that not only professional chefs but every single person on this green earth harbors a latent desire to purchase a Pit Boss Wood Pellet Grill, a grilling behemoth that has captured the hearts and palates of people all over the world. For those who have yet to experience the wonder of the Pit Boss Grill, fear not, for our reviews are here to enlighten and educate.

Note: I would highly recommend Pit Boss PB440D2 compared to Char-Griller E1224 Charcoal Grill, see why?

Make no mistake, the Pit Boss Grill is a force to be reckoned with, a towering titan among grill brands that leaves its competitors in the dust. Recently, Pit Boss unleashed its flagship model, the PB440D2, which boasts an array of features that are sure to leave grill aficionados salivating with delight.

The manufacturer claims that this model has been constructed with more advanced technology than its predecessors, a statement that is sure to pique the interest of anyone who values innovation and progress.

When it comes to maximizing kitchen space, there is no pellet grill more competent than the Pit Boss PB440D2, which boasts an extra-large 465 square inches of space and porcelain-coated cooking grates that are worth their weight in gold.

At a Glance Pit Boss PB440D2 Wood Pellet Grill

  • Pit Boss PB440D2 Wood Pellet Grill has come with both direct and indirect heat.
  • Its 5 LBS hopper capacity is appreciable.
  • For effortless moving, it has 2 wheels.
  • It comes with a 180-500 degree Fahrenheit temperature range.
  • It is constructed with premium gauge stainless steel.
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Compare Pit Boss PB440D2 Wood Pellet Grill and Char-Griller E1224 Charcoal Grill​​

Pit Boss PB440D2 Wood Pellet GrillChar-Griller E1224 Charcoal Grill
 Pit Boss PB440D2 Wood Pellet Grill Char-Griller E1224 Smokin Pro Charcoal Grill
Pit Boss PB440D2 is used over and above natural wood pellets that deliver users the authentic taste of food.Char-Griller E1224 Smokin Pro Charcoal Grill appears with sturdy construction of cast iron for searing your food.
It’s total cooking area is much larger than Char-Griller E1224 Smokin. It features 465 square inches. For cooking it provides you 341 sq. inchesWith ample space of 250 square inches it offers you smoke flavor. It has an extra large storage inside the firebox.
It features a control board for monitoring the temperature range from 180 to 500 degree Fahrenheit.This impressive char griller is able to control the heat with its adjustable dampers and adjustable fire grate.
You can clean it spontaneously by removing the upper cooking rack which is made of porcelain coated steel.For cleaning the ash it includes a dump ash pan so that you can clean the ash rapidly as well as efficiently.
It has an electronic ignition system and auto shut off features. It supports up to 40,000 BTUs burn pots.For offering the color durability it has powder coat finish. So, you don’t need to be worried about color.
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Key Features of Pit Boss PB440D2 Wood Pellet Grill

Key Features of Pit Boss PB440D2 Wood Pellet Grill

Stylish Design

The first thing that users consider is design. In that case, Pit Boss comes with stylish design that enhances the charm of your kitchen. It’s perfect shape fits all sizes of kitchen as well as every corner of your house. It’s porcelain coated steel adds an extra dimension in it. 

Easy to Clean

Cleaning is the most stubborn operation where grilling is the messiest job. So those who are tense about cleaning for them include a dump ash pan so that ash or rust can’t damage your grill. Cleaning maximizes the durability of the grill.


Pit Boss PB440D2 has the versatility of grilling the food appropriately. It lasts a long probably up to 7-8 years. It has consistency with price and performance. It is worth the money. It’s free standing feature allows you not to manage it rather it can manage itself. 

What Users Saying About Pit Boss PB440D2 Wood Pellet Grill

The best pit boss grill has a separate fan base. On this account Pit Boss every year launched multiple models. But not all the models are high-end enough to impress the users. A few models were heart-melting to the users. Now let’s have a look at Pit Boss PB440D2 Wood Pellet Grill.

According to most of the customers, this model is unparalleled compared to others. They opine it operates great. It prepares the finest quality food for you. It never wastes too many wood pallets. The best feature of it is its removable grates which is super easy to clean. Maximum users are looking forward to the upcoming model of Pit Boss. It makes amazing steak. 

Like most of the appliances, it also has a small number of flaws. It worked well in the first few days. But after t5hat it uses too many pallets which has caused the fire and ash flies here and there. The food loses its taste. Forgetting all the flaws they recommend for their contemporaries. If any of the above grills doesn’t suits your preference, you may consider 10 Pit boss vs Traeger Grills and find which one is the best

 FAQ About Pit Boss PB440D2 Wood Pellet Grill

Does it allow you to leave the pellet grill outside?

You can use the Pit Boss pellet grill both in the outdoor and indoor. But in the rough weather or winter season it doesn’t allow you to use it outside. Rather it should be stored in the garage or storeroom so that water can’t damage the grill. This grill is designed to use only in the summer. It offers a cover with it. So, you are required to cover it in and keep it in a roof area.

What should I do if smoke is coming out of the pellet hopper?

Smoke would be coming out of the pellet hopper when you cook the food with high temperature. In that case you need to cool the grill by shutting down it. After cooling down you can add extra pellets. Sometimes over using pellets can be a reason for smoking. If you can’t troubleshoot it with yourself you can contact the customer care service.

Is there any reason for firing in the grill?

Yes. Sometimes pellets can catch fire for using too pellets in the fire pot or in the drip tray. So use pellets according to the instructions of manufacturers.
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Final Verdict

For offering convenience functionalities and performance it now operates like a hot cake in the global market. Being foldable users is bizarre to purchase. But according to a group of customers it’s price is a little bit high though it totally seems hilarious when you compare its performance and price. Reading our review makes decisions wisely.